Materials Tracking & Traceability Software

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iMTATs Cloud Equipment Architecture

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The Intelligent Materials Tracking and Traceability Software (iMTATs) is an integrated set of software that enables manufacturers and distributors of food, pharmaceutical, medical and cosmetic products to be compliant with the regulations of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) without drowning in paperwork.

Most of the iMTATs software can all be run on a dedicated Windows Server at a remote data center. Here:

  1. The iMTATs data collection is performed using PCs, MACs, or Android Tablets, equipped with external barcode scanners or mobile computers equipped with integral barcode scanners. Data entry is performed using a web-browser thus eliminating the need to load any special software on the device and enabling data collection to be performed anywhere there is an Internet connection.
  2. Tracking data is collected in a SQL Server database on the server.
  3. On-demand label printing can be initiated by any data collection device. The request is picked up by an iMTATs label printing server in the appropriate facility, which then prints the labels on a local printer. The reason for using a separate label print server is that the label printing request requires only a small amount of data and thus is easily fetched over the Internet. But typically a large amount of data has to flow between the label print server and the label printer, which is best done over a local wired Ethernet, or wireless,  network.
  4. As tracking data is captured in the iMTATs tracking database, tracking events are automatically transferred to the Event Repository Database (ERD) by intelligent agents running in the iMTATs data exchange server.
  5. As incoming tracking and traceability data is received from upstream supply chain partners the events are added to the ERD.
  6. The FDA Compliance Traceability Website uses the contents of the ERD to provide needed information, on line, to downstream supply-chain partners.
  7. Intelligent agents in the iMTATs data exchange software send traceability events in EPCIS or EDI files to downstream supply chain trading partners, based on the contents of the ERD whenever  product is shipped to them.
  8. Where needed, intelligent agents also mange the exchange of data with ERP and similar systems.

Please click here to learn more about the iMTATs Distributed Equipment Architecture


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